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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 18, 2024 11:00am-11:30am AST

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all settings your donations into direct deliveries in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the widespread destruction and goals that these 20 people are killed as is there any strikes destroy posting in the notes of the street? the hello, i'm viewed, hey, this is all just a red light from the injured palestinians on taking to hospitals and rough on 11 people were killed. and there is this raining strength. and now the attack on the school building and northern goals that killing for people and
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kenya says it's trip. so i'm ready to help. hey, tape it. some canyons questioning the decisions to the boy the . the is really ministry has been carrying out more strikes across garza, more than 50 people have been killed in the past 24 hours. in the southern city, a rough at least 11 palestinians were killed. more than 1500000 people who've been forced to be displaced while living in that city. they've been enduring conditions, described quite agencies as catastrophic meanwhile, and cause especially thought teen palestinians were killed. one is really striking, a residential building, an elder law street 7 others were killed in the shape road one neighborhood on wednesday. afternoon. as rainy will pain attacked
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a group of palestinians gathering at one of the few places where people can still connect to the internet. as well also targeted in on risk. we're located in the, our static hands, northern garza, at least full palestinians were killed. that and children are among the dead phones that speak shock correspond to a couple of them is on the ground for us and rough at and southern garza tarik, you were telling us earlier about now the knights of escalating strikes, talk this through what they've been targeting yes, every night, so i'm completely terrible and difficult for the majority of causes. so typically those are not right now living in the southern parts of the chat threes. specifically that overnight strikes had been a completely up scaling where the as many minutes we have targeted a farm land that has costs. so it's a number of palestinian being displaced from the houses we're talking about. that's a palestinians. have been reported killed in that area, including 5 children and that's completely terrifying. as most people have been
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observing. there is a ongoing military behavior and acts and rough district. i'm happy even observing that it's very minute to quite cope to drones have been whole bring between houses at midnight and as a part of their ongoing operations on the ground and let you so on with other parts of the gaza strip being bombarded, we have been seeing that the east very minute tree has with a drone from then other parts of and as i rocked refugee camp as they are right now, being redeploying that troops in the area as there are on going back to those and confrontations between how much military, how how much militant on as, as long as the is really a forces. but clearly what we can see is that these very minute you had left behind off the it's with the trouble, the full destruction for residential houses and civil infrastructure as eye witnesses have been describing the situation to be really confess. trophic civil. also, defense crews are working these moments in order to recover the victims for under
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the rustle of the destroyed areas tara cup was in there with the very latest for us from the ground in rough and southern goals that thank you tires as well. the united nations, as has roughly 80 percent of costs of schools have been destroyed since the war on garza began putting costing in children's education into jeopardy on kindergarten and southern cause of their has kept its cost is going by pitching a tent off that is really strikes destroyed it's building. so do you call in a make shift classroom a kind of eunice palestinian children practice their reading the the home of his ready drones. overhead doesn't jump in there on tuesday as those drones alongside the rest of israel's arsenal. have destroyed schools across, gather, forcing these children to learn and attend the name that i learned in this tent as an alternative to the ro kindergarten. and it was bombarded. i don't like learning
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in a tent. i want to be in a proper kindergarten. the old one i used to go to, he's bailey's have destroyed that kindergarten, and i wish it would come back because they don't have a permanent school to go to kindergarten running these classes says it's doing what i can to help them continue their studies in the. a in the, in the id or is this initiative is to highlight education. everyone else is focusing primarily on entertainment, with focusing on kids education, which has been neglected for almost 7 months to enable them to read and write in the circumstances we are experiencing here. to you and says close to 400 schools across guys there are known to have been damaged and the actual number is likely higher. those that remain are being used as shelters for display palestinians. the children here at the royal kindergarten aren't just missing. as i
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learned, many are missing families and carrying trauma. net. my name is mohammed. i was displaced from garza to russell. my father remained in gozo and he was killed. i came to this kindergarten to learn an inside this tent palestinian children and get a rare chance to live as they did before israel to invasion of causes. but the war still awaits them at sight. for the a car, which is here. while the head of the u. s. agency for palestinian refugees has appealed to the security council for protection for the plaza really says there's been a concerted effort to dismantle and run out of time when it's walk isn't crucial. vanessa. earlier this in some countries withdrew the funding of to israel accuse some of the agencies employees of involvement and the october 7th, the tax fabulous on the reports from un headquarters in new york. i ask you all to
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rise of diplomats and the un security council. pause for a moment of silence for aid workers killed in these reels war on. gotcha. over the past 6 months, after the reflection, the focus shifted to the work of unreal and israel's attempt to dismantle and discredited. the government of it's was $62.00 and $1.00 was activities. agencies requests to deliver it to the knows repeatedly denied all stuff above from coordination meetings between israel and mandatory and actors luxury. and he said is rio is also limiting. unrest staff movements in the west bank and it's becoming increasingly difficult to keep schools and how centers they're open. israel's ambassador to the un said unwrapped should be defended and shut down on raw is creating a sea of palestinian refugees. millions of them induct related to believe that
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israel belongs to them or calls for own was closer and not about the difference to inventory principles. just called about ending the risk which is state use of median of palestinian acquisition. that's only what deliberately perpetrates risk reduce states use a false dishonest. the agency exists because a political solution does not stop before the meeting. jordan's for administer said israel's attempts to dismantle unrest. go back many years long before october 7 under what has been the target of a political assassination campaign by it is really government that wants to do so in order to kill the palestinians that teaches issue in january, israel accused 12 unreal staff members of taking part in the october 7th attack to
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this day is realized, provided no evidence to back up those claims to either the head of unrest or to the un secretary general. never the less the secretary general has ordered 2 investigations into the matter. one is concluded, and the results are expected to be released publicly on monday. gabriel is under. how does it at the united nations in new york? or chris gomez is a former unrest spokesman, and he says, israel's criticism of the organization is dishonest and politic. humor's evasive as this is based on a lie, is this all the not like is that if you get rid of the, you suddenly magically get rid of the 5900000 refugees that are registered with under. but of course, if i'm a dissipated this very minute, these will remain human beings with, in a, in a blue rice, the right switching the right to health the right to
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a broad range of political rights, including the right to self determination. so that's the law. that's the political lie that underlies this attack, be led by israel and to as well as one member of a $195.00 plus members of the general assembly, which steve, it's mandates, volleyball, original side as we were hearing from you. all correspondent in new york, the tax bureaucratic plenty of the headquarters building, for example, the west bank, the lease on us as big questions the bank accounts which as well which summer use this is all those also being questions. and then that's the questions of permits and bases in gaza. we're seeing some of the 22nd of march of law from a convoy to the north and the implications of that of the 300000 people that who are already facing salvation will slip further into starbuck she for at least 2 people have been killed. is there any raid in southern lebanon early on thursday,
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that follows drone and miss all attack on northern israel as i live in on based has blah, the, the groups as a targeted military base along the border. these really minute traces at least 14 soldiers, we ended the 6 of them. seriously. the news really only has 5. what media reports indicate and send you a munitions or of a southern level on these weapons contained chemicals to the capable of funding through skin and disintegrating tissue rights groups have previously documented, as well as use of white phosphorus and solving lebanon. it's used in civilian areas as widely considered. illegal. european union need is have agreed to impose new sanctions on iran in the coming days after it's drone and miss all attack on israel . tyrone says, sounds, today's attack was in response to the is rating bombing of it's considered the
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building in damascus. 2 weeks ago to deb this tax looks about you want against east ridge. here's the site to put to essentially, to put in place the sentence against the new one. so if a clear signal that we want to to send 8, we also want to do a receipt to protect the savings interested in life. not us. we tool on the we lease a we thought editor. this is a for hostages, which one of the ceasefire images a ceasefire. students at new york's columbia university have staged a certain in support of palestinians. the protests came, as the schools president appeared before congress to testify on allegations of anti semitism on campus. christian telling me has of these house students flooded the main lawn of the columbia university campus before dawn, setting up dozens of tents in what they've described as a gaza solidarity and cabinet. they're calling on the university to completely
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divest from israel. their active protests coinciding with university president much of phoenix testimony before a congressional subcommittee in washington d. c. today. house republicans, the university has faced accusations of anti semitism by some house republicans columbia, as leadership refuses to enforce their own policies and condemned jewish hatred on campus, creating a breeding ground for anti semitism and a hot bed of support for terrorism from radicalized faculty and students the university president said the vast majority of campus protests have been peaceful. anti semitism has no place on our campus, and i am personally committed to doing everything i can to confront it directly. i have a police presence here at columbia university barricades have been set up all around the campus and they won't let media or anyone without a school id beyond the gates. and you can see that's and demonstrators now have
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actually set up outside of the gates as well as on campus like other colleges in the united states. columbia has seen regular demonstrations, some in support of israel, but the loudest and most persistent had been protest calling for a ceasefire. some jewish students told us they feel threatened recognizing housekeeping, suffering, shouldn't mcgee, too, or something. but that's what we've seen. you've seen that the immunization of choosing is really on campus. but those who camped on the lawn wednesday say they're the ones being harassed by the university. now because of the encampment leave, they will be suspended from school. this young woman said she was afraid to give her name or show her face. i'm afraid that the university will of tentatively attacked me for participating in the pro palestinian movements as they have indiscriminately attacked students of all estimates of these races and face who
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supports post ending with ration. demonstrators say they won't stop protesting as long as civilians are dying and gaza and until the university ends with they describe as its complicity in genocide. kristen salumi al jazeera new york, the most of the head here on down to 0. 27 ministers. i sent sions on iran, and a message for strange from israel, for his rent will have a live update for you from the country. and do like tricity is rationed and equitable why the government is having to impose howard counts and major cities. the colors setting no shortage of april showers across smotts of here. but i'm having lots of class showing up see the showers they're having to send for pass along to
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spells of frame for east towards the west. what we do have an area of high pressure which will not use way and over the next. as i say, tony, things a little less on settled but also allowing things to kind of cool is that to push these towards most less than possible for you, but i'm having some what the, what the company of scotland know the parts of england, southern england, much of island is looking fine and tribe, it's a good part of fraud. so they have the guy with some showers. some of the wintry and nature heading down to was he out lots of whether they ever cross it leave with the showers a rumbling away here. then we go, that's where to whether right, but tools, east of cost, the rain rather more at widespread and persistence, it'll make us well a little further race with this we go on through friday night to since know that i went to the northeast of your river that stays last night there, across the outs whatsoever, coming down across the lake countries into gemini, and a stiff normally with. is that how i just thought the topless ways that it touched driver product. if a western past, it has cooler and what the central pos penny a show is that it's a central pos of the met over towards graces. fine and dry me monica northern parts
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of africa, with the usual showers for west africa. the coveted beyond well taken without hesitation forth and died for power that finds out loud. we live here, we make the rule, not them. they find an enemy and then they try and scale the people with that and the people in power investigate, expose this and questions the use them to be the power around the on out is there the,
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[000:00:00;00] the spoken match of watching al jazeera and let's remind you about top stories without these really military has carried out more strikes across calls on more than 50 people have been killed in the past 24 hours in the southern city of rough and these 12 palestinians, including 3 children, were killed. do you and the agencies for palestinian refugees has appealed to the security council for protection on the ones that's been a consent to the effort to dismantle it. and without the aid it provides people will dine european union need as have agreed to impose new sanctions on iran, of trenton austin attacks on israel. tyrone says it's on today's raid was in response to these rating bombing of it's considered the building in damascus. 2 weeks ago on g 7 foreign ministers i'm using for talks on the italian island of
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capri. they are expected to focus on that growing tension between around and as well um the wider region. also the on the agenda. israel's war on garza the situation in the red sea and warn you. crank g 7, lead is will be missing in june. well, i'll correspond to turn a how has been up that g 7 meeting forest incorporating? he joins us now from the join. it sounds like the focus of discussions is presumably on, on the board. a situation of them, at least yes, by no means the only focus is you laid out that will during the course of the day be towards particularly looking at the situation and you credit and the need for step 8 efforts the to meet. you could either the planning, defense minister, along with jen store the nato secretary general will be joining tools during the course of the day. but inevitably, the situation in the middle east and the weekend attacks by ron and his ro, costing alongside of a pretty much all else before it particularly off to david cameron. do you guys extra foreign secretary much from the meeting with benjamin netanyahu in tell of
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eve on wednesday saying that it was clear to him that he's right, was planning some kind of a response. the question that will hangover meetings here will be what kind of response when would it come in to what extent with israel she because by its allies for caution and restraint to limit its response sufficient to avoid any dramatic escalation. the g 7 has been very clear in condemning iran, so attack on the weekend. it has been clear in restating its commitment to israel's defense opiates the likes of the us, of the u. k site and they will not stand with these ro, uh, in any minute treat retaliation. they will similar to the e. u summit to be towards here about sanctions at focused on ron's drone and ms solve program. and they will be efforts to re focus international concerns on achieving what the g 7 describes as an immediate and sustainable cease fire. the release of his ride, the captives, of course,
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and the unfettered access for humanitarian data to those in gaza. china, the war and ukraine is also on the agenda. do you have a sense of what might be expected in terms of from the military? a, a wealth comments made here by joseph beretta at the media center about an hour ago to make it clear that he and the you in particular are very worried that you crazy simply getting lost behind the situation in the mid least due credit and courting at morton lloyd simply for more minutes we 8 just munition, especially at defense is he said let's hope that the day ends with quick, quick, and better support. he said, describing the situation on the ground and you printers absolutely. di. uh there is also concern here. of course, about the passage of that massive usa package, a package of $60000000000.00 kind of be held up in congress. so they will also be talking these to 7 foreign ministers about possible ways to make use of some,
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or all of some $300000000000.00 us dollars of russian assets. currently frozen investment bank accounts, those tools would have to overcome the objections of some here as to the legality of that move to how keeping an eye on that missing for us in can pre initially thank you very much turn well can yeah, says it's repetitively you end up permission to haiti and it's stopping the gun with it. but can you lead is all facing increasing pressure to justify the risk intervention. catherine, so it has the details from the canyon capital nairobi. plants deployment of canyon forces to k. u. t. has been controversial from the start a 1000 police officers from and the 2 units are due to be sent to help stop the bomb was and to restore order, the caribbean country kenya is expected to meet the un mission, doing nothing in the field. so the human stuff party is therefore up so usually out
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of west many canyon said, concerned about getting involved in another crisis. overseas canyon police have been deployed to several peacekeeping missions in the past, including the democratic republic of congo. so mind yet is the more and elsewhere well, many people who are asking is whether they are capable of handling a security crisis as big as that of painting in one of their robes, most dangerous lawns, guns, fight for control of garbage sites and other resources for tax collection. anthony mcgintey was part of a gun. now he helps young people stay away from crime. asked about the hate deployment. he says menu residents in massaro, i think the police need to deal with domestic security motus. heads of everything else. i don't think i'll police can be able to handle i t if not
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a self. they still claim that he's waiting on the field. some of these young man who are still giving police of really have time to sleep last night. you know, a position politician or a quote went to quotes to block the deployment. it shows that there must be received pre, called by law troll security agreement between the haitian government and kansas presidents. a court plans to go back to court or to block any of the plans to deployed canyon police to haiti is an occupational mission. does nothing to do with this gaping. it's not even peacekeeping. i've seen to, it's really, it's laughable. and they say that the is going to is, don't know, and or do we have no interest or no, i know they know on country intervention by the un in haiti is not new. it has happened 3 times over the last 3 decades. the last mission was marked by human rights violations,
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and one of the countries west cholera epidemics government officials here say if it does go ahead, this deployment will be different. but many canyon's not social. catherine, so i'll just, sarah nairobi. tad's prime minister success master has formerly launched a bid for the presidency. he's also a phone, the opposition leader, and he was appointed to head the transitional government back in january other opposition. parties accused him of collaborating with childs military lead. and the how much interested in the 1st round reversing is set to take place in a human induced climate change is said to of course the record breaking heat waves that has advocates the hell. originality of this month, temperatures and became a $57.00 molly store to above $45.00 degrees celsius and the wild weather attribution estimates at hundreds if not thousands of people died as a result. it also added the extreme heat was a once in a 200 year event, although the trends will likely continue with future warming. to all the governments in columbia is dealing with
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a severe energy and water crisis. the prolonged route has reduced the nation's reservoirs to less than 30 percent of the usual level. most of columbia is energy also comes from hydro electric sources. so it's hard to suspend its electricity exports to neighboring equitable in order to avoid blood counts at home. well that total is also suffering from that drought and the government that has the gun rationing power and all of its major cities to weighs about has been widespread power, tots impacting everything from street lights, to homes and businesses on tuesday, a quite or declared a national emergency and began rationing electricity rested in the novel of lane because when the lack of planning and corruption by the previous administrations and then ongoing drought or so when i see them for that we took a strong decision once again because it's necessary which is to declare the country's energy sector to be in the state of emergency of us before the resignation of the minister will cover 50 percent of the electricity bills
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households for the month of april. i don't even know who i highlighted the severity of the situation by implicating saboteurs and threatening severe consequences for anyone involved in disrupting the country's power supply. the drought is happening because of patterns linked to the weather phenomenon and new that are decreasing the countries the rest of wars to historic close of this week. neighboring columbia actually deals with severe drought. holton electricity exports to make one or restaurant toner cutting. but it always says, without electricity, it's going to be a huge challenge to run her business. the effect, the full effect quite a lot. because you know that in restaurants we have products that can boil. if electricity shuts down all the time, it affects us. besides, the restaurant requires electricity because we need to blend for juices. it affects us quite
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a lot. it's not clear how long the power cuts we left on wednesday. the government order all public and private workers to stay home for the next few days. for it may be morales who owns a store in the capital key to the decision hertz. her bottom line cannot for the center. i can serve people because it's dark. you can make the payments work. it affects me a lot because i need to keep the store closed 2 days in and i've seen fewer clients . people come in, but leave to see is doc preston and noble. i had promised financial power cuts when he passed an energy little earlier this year. 3 months later, the power cuts are back with no end in sight. it is, i will see that in georgia, around $20000.00 protesters of riley's in the capital tbilisi against a new so called foreign influence. so, the who is that?
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just asian posits 1st hurdle and parliament is opposition and peace void course of the version that will require organizations receiving funds from 4 to register as for an agents opponent saved resembles that restrictive russian hill pro europeans argue that it may also undermine georgia's bid for you membership us when we were discussing those kinds of deport asylum seekers to row one that has had another stumbling block in parliament for the 4th time. now the opera house of lords rejected legislation needed for the go ahead. both houses of parliament need to agree on the wedding before it can then become low and then flights to the ones that can begin not have taken off so far because of legal challenges to the conservative governments, flagship policy, to try to reduce the number of asylum seekers arriving and legally corporations governing conservative policy has one wednesday's parliamentary elections. with 60 seats, it means incumbent prime minister and very plank of it will have to enter into talks to confirm a majority that was controlled. the c, though,
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after the president decided to run for the prime minister's job, the full resigning his post. his center left the social democrats came in 2nd with 42 seats. police and fonts have rated the launches, squash the account, a 100 days ahead of the powers olympics. $450.00 migrants, including refugees, were evicted from an abandoned warehouse and a southern suburbs of capital. and to believe that most of them were documented and they will be moved to camps outside paris. the sources good. there are lots of children who go to school victory who grow not. there are lots of people who work. in fact, most of them are fighting to fix it and they'd like to stay in paris. some of them are okay. they're going to move to the region. they're going to get on buses. and there are still others who left last night because they no longer expect much from


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